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Showing posts from January, 2018

Why I do what I do "Rebel"

Many people have posed me the question about why I chose the gothic alternative, rebel lifestyle, that I define as doing things outside society's expectations. Growing up in my generation it was expected that one completes education, chooses a field of profession, marries, buys a house, then family enters the picture. Most of the people I knew followed that path to some extent. I however, think that there were forces at play guiding me to where I am today since it seems that it was most difficult for me to end up in the traditional family unit. Today, the way of life changed because of the internet. Many things that were taboo even to speak of in previous years are now socially acceptable. To elaborate on this point, it's as if the invention of the internet suddenly turned taboo into norm. Now, if the internet never materialized would life stay the same? Would time, people and technology progress? I see my way of life as evolution, progress. Also, living out experiences as well...