Sometimes we take life for granted and forget about all those who are hurting and have it bad in this life. I haven't figured out everything about how life works but for those of you who are suffering from whatever is hurting you remember this: life is what you make it to be, bad things and feelings happen when you are surrounded by negativity either from people, media or whatever else it could be. Slowly detach from the bad and get closer to the positive and happy... we are all equal and important without exception and regardless of our physical looks or abilities or disabilities...our true beauty lies in the mind and heart so remember that we are all equally is not always people can see that. And to answer an anonymous message I got, I talk to all people regardless of background, color, shape age or whatever else society made us believe to be...if you can't understand that then I feel sorry for you and I follow what I preach so I move away from p...
To learn about me read the postings in this blog [] and my website [] and nowhere else! What I post on social media is just stupid fantasy and I am not like that in real life!