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Showing posts from March, 2015

Dominant / Submissive type relationship from what I've learned thus far

I will write this article from my point of view and most of it, although can be applied to any D/s relationship, this article is mainly about me and my fascination with the D/s fetish. I will refer to the submissive as female and the dominant partner will be male D/s relationship is like any other, it's give and take. A dominant male is not dominant if the submissive female is not willing to submit. In a way, the sub or female has more power since she controls the limits of the domination the male can have. A real Dom will know that a D/s relationship is based on the sub consent and on that note I characterize any D/s relationship as a power exchange relationship based on mutual consent. The key to any D/s relationship is “mutual consent”. Mutual consent forms the basis of any D/s relationship; without it you get idiots thinking a Sub must do everything a Dom asks for. I just recently got introduced BDSM to my D/s experience and with it I introduced the element of pain and...

Valuable tip for guys about women!

Four out of five women do not like dick pictures; and the fifth one is a dude! This blog is also for the nitwits who truly think I will drop everything I am doing, and die for the opportunity to have sex with them just because they have a penis; I hate those dumb fucktards! Unless I get to know and like you in a non sexual way I will never fantasize about you sexually. If I get horny and as many of you put it “wet” lol (giggling) I will fuck the hell out of my bf; I never in my life had sex with a stranger! Ever! And that will never change! Ever! Fucktardism : a human behavior where males with a penis absolutely believe that human females have nothing on their mind but sexual thoughts about large penises. This belief also extends to the notion that when a guy asks for sex that his request will not be declined. Characteristic/behavior of someone exhibiting Fucktardism: Sending brief vague anonymous messages to females asking for sex and expecting a positive answe...

Porn and censorship

People who hate porn and want it gone from the Internet and others who support it Everyone knows I am an amateur goofball shooting adult content and posting it online; since I am not doing it for profit I do not consider myself part of the adult industry. I am also not religious and do not belong to the group representing this moral compass trying to sensor porn. Therefore, I can be somewhat neutral in looking at this issue; so here is my view As a viewer reading this article written by me :) you also have to open your mind and look at the issue from a wider view...I'll explain! If you look at any worldly event that made an impact you will notice its always few screwballs that have extreme views about something that make a big stink and create the so called “change” which supposedly represent what the majority of people want. I will call this phenomena as the “ Limited Screwball Situation ”. Limited because its always few extreme thinking people making the s...